Place order by Saturday, Feb. 8
Pick-up window: Thursday, Feb. 13-Saturday, Feb. 15

Spoil the love of your life, those you love or yourself with something sweet:

TREAT BOXES ($18 each)
Treat Box 1, Gluten-Free: Browned Butter Chocolate Chip Cookie; Fudgy Flourless Chocolate Brownie; Mexican Chocolate Truffles; and Persian Love Shortbread Cookie

Treat Box 2: Mexican Chocolate Truffles; Chocolate-Dipped Shortbread; Raspberry Chile Chocolate Tartlet; and Chocolate-Dipped Fudge Brownie


CAKES ($25 each)
4” Sweetheart Cake, perfect for sharing:
Chocolate Fleur de Sel Caramel Mousse
Chocolate Raspberry Truffle       
6” Flourless Chocolate Cake with Chocolate Ganache for 2

SAUCES (8 ounce jar) $12 each
Red Wine Chocolate
Salted Caramel

Decorated sugar cookies for the occasion

available Thursday-Saturday, Feb. 2-8 and 13-15.

When placing your order to orders@tracydempseyoriginals.com, please indicate your preferred day of pick-up and include “Valentine’s Day” in the subject line.


$20/week includes a bag packed with 4-5 fresh and local produce items
Pick-up times are noon-3 p.m. Thursday and 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Friday and Saturday.

What is a CSA? It’s Community Supported Agriculture meaning that we, the community, support the endeavors of our local growers and farmers by purchasing a share of their harvest. It also means we learn to eat with the seasons and receive produce that generally keeps longer than that transported from faraway. There are many of these around the Valley. We partnered with Sun Produce Co-op because we like that they provide us access to produce from nearly a dozen different farmers and growers.

To join us in supporting local farmers and getting the freshest vegetables, fruits, herbs and more year-round, visit sunproducecoop.org and click on the TDO location to sign up and pick it up here. Manage your account through Sun Produce’s platform. The plan is flexible and lets you start, stop and pause whenever you wish. Easy peasy. 


In addition to our Valentine’s Day offerings, we are happy to be a pick-up point for flowers by Cultivated, LLC. Kristin and Melissa create beautiful bouquets using predominantly edible flowers and herbs from their own gardens.
Click on the link to visit their website and to place your order for pick-up during Valentine’s Day week (Thursday-Saturday at our shop during business hours).
Be sure to select pickup location #1 TDO_ODV. Small arrangements are $25 each and the mediums are $40 each.


Tracy’s bringing back some savory options that can work as main dishes, sides, appetizers - it’s up to you - that will serve 2. All meals are vegetarian unless otherwise noted. 

A few will be available each week in the cooler and check the freezer, too. If you want to be sure of snagging one, place an order with Tracy by 11 a.m. Monday the week of pick-up.

This month’s menu:
Feb. 6-8: Spinach Enchiladas $26
Feb. 20-22: Polenta with Roasted Tomatoes & Sautéed Greens $26

When placing your order to orders@tracydempseyoriginals.com, please indicate your desired pick-up day (Thursday-Saturday) and include “Main dish order” in the subject line.